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Voltaggio Consulting, LLC

Environmental and Homeland Security Consulting
Domestic and International
Specialization in Superfund and Other Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Programs

Thomas C. Voltaggio
Principal Member


To solve your domestic or international environmental and homeland security problems, including Superfund and other issues which may require security clearance, as quickly and efficiently as possible, using the expertise, judgments and contacts developed through a career in the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) at continually increasing levels of responsibility, including Director of the Region III Hazardous Waste program and Deputy Regional Administrator, Region III (Philadelphia). 

Who We Are

A single person environmental and homeland security service organization using relevant skills and approaches to find the solutions you need.


Voltaggio Consulting has provided expert services in the area of hazardous waste site remediation under Superfund (CERCLA), corrective action under RCRA, state voluntary cleanup programs and other remediation programs.  These services include strategy development, evaluation of potential solutions, interaction with USEPA and other environmental agencies and expert witness services in support of litigation. 

Look for us at Linkedin.com at http://www.linkedin.com/in/voltaggioconsulting

1529 Chalet Drive, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

Voice: 856-745-1488

Fax: 856-673-0243



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